I arrived to Taiwan on Monday 7, and on tuesday 8 we had the opening ceremony of the learning programm, I knew Dr. Ke from Chi Mei, he brougth us to our final destiny in Taiwan, Tai Nan, at the south of the country. I was assigned to Chi Mei Hospital, also my actually room mate Oswaldo from Sao Tome, he is a maxilo fascial MD. We had the first big experience, we traveled by the High Speed Railroad of Taiwan, that means 300 kms/hr. We were received by Mr. Chein, and He gave the orientations for the next day.
First impressions: these people respect nature, it is amazing how you can see little forest all over the big city.
Second day: I walked around with Mrs. Allison (Mrs. Liu) in the hospital, and visited various departments at the Hospital, Farmacy, Rehabilitation, and Others. In the noon I met Dr. Hwang, and Dr. Chuang and Dr. Ke, I was asked what I wanted to learn in Chi Mei, and I felt like a 8 years old kid that recieved 1,000 dolllars, only crazy thing could ask for. I wanted to know every thing, learn every thing, I do not have an specific plann. I have to write a proposal for the next three years at my job, so they can help me in this matter. I was assigned to an office, so I have my own office, during afternoon I discuss some ideas with Mr. Chien for the next days.
10/7: was incredible this day Mr. Chien assigned me my chinese name and how to write it down, also how to do my blog. We discuss about my programm for these three months, we decided that we are going to work in: design a communicating system in my region and in the field of quality, I realized he is a good researcher. He explainded me some tools in management and I noticed his point of view in health management, I know I will learn a lot from them. I was with Dr. Ke in a session of his clinic of neurology. One of the thing that most has impressed me is the humbleness of these people and their discipline. I enjoyed eating dinner with Mr. Chein's fammily. I noticed that the first days taiwanesse food tasted bad for me, and since noon I like it.
Friday: I went to visit the center of transcription of Chi Mei Hospital, that is quit impressive!!! during the afternoon, Mr. Chein and I discuss more over my planns, now I know with more accuracy what I want to learn, during weekend I will think about it, I am writing my proposal, I am still shock because the development of this country.