I have been here for accommodation and learning programs in the first day in July 8. The luggage has not received yet until July 9 at 17:00.
The most interested things I have encountered are the friendship and the kidness of these people.
The most interested things I have encountered are the friendship and the kidness of these people.
3 則留言:
After Roberto coming,I should plan several schedules for him especially for touring around various departments or commitee regarding to the computerization and qualtiy asurances.
I have geiven a Chinese name for him and teach him how to pratice his name writing and reading.
Because of going to Taipei, I have not had enough time to accompany him in July 9 but asking him what is the most interesting things he had seen in Chi Mei Hospital.
In July 10, I prepared a blogger for him at http://robertochimei.blogspot.com/ to help him record what he see and what he know in the Hospital for organizing his project later on after returning back home.
The schedule of learning something in the hospital also were prepared for him to staying here for the next 3 months.
We have visited the registration and casher for patient OPD service and talked about the benefits from the computerization in Hospital.
Many interesting things were found in the introduction of the front-line clerk staff, especially for the one-coy of receipts giving to the patients and the reservation process reggarding the ODP service.
There are so many amazing things encountered here. In Chi-Mei hospital on July 11, we saw the system of dictation and transcription to know the wonderful relationship among physicians and patient records via both transcriptioners and Dictaphone computer system. That was the first time to be have a lunch in a Chinese-food restaurant of Chi-Mei with Roberto. In the afternoon of July 11, we talked about some things regarding: (1) the soft were using in a hospital with system dynamics to making decision; (2) the IRT (item response theory) adopted in a hospital to assist managers to make decisions; (3) how the queue display system can be used in ahead of the counter of a pharmacy department; and (4) how about the Liker-type questionnaire could be analyzed by means of a newly-developed approach, namely modern test theory, to detect some aberrant responses by the department onto the specific item while the medical quality is implemented in a hospital.
The schedule of Roberto's trekking Chi-Mei Hospital (Roberto的學習計劃)
Learning direction: application of information and statistics(學習方向: 資訊及統計之應用)
Programs: inspiring ideas to let application reliazed in Nnicaragua within 2 years
(課程: 激發概念進而形成策略方案, 以在2年內可以在尼國推動及發展)
Schedule: each week has its own specific subject and objective to be achieved(每週主題,每週完成既定目標)
approaches: tour and look at facilities and flowwork and post ideas onto blog
blog: http://robertochimei.blogspot.com/
weeks date Title
一 2008/7/8 Coming & Schedule for trekking Chi-Mei set up
objective: to construct a system regarding
internet network applied to management
Excise to plan and construct a feasible projecwith regard to appointment making on referring approaches
二 2008/7/15 course: learning system and web-meeting
objective: to communicate efficiently on internet
and to apply it to a lelearning organization
Excise to building up a brotherhood relations with CHI-MEI
三 2008/7/22 course: measuring employee's health status and level
objective: to apply statistics onto health check-up, to analyze data and to generate reports
Excise data collection and analysis
四 2008/7/29 course: physician entry system on computers
objective: to understand the SOAP entry process of a physician
to see the function of dictation and transcription
Excise preparing the 1st presentaion of Roberto's drafts and projects
五 2008/8/5 course: indicator management for medical qualtity
objective:to know the statistics appied to indication management(graphical reporting and monitoring system)
Excise blog, referring system, brotherhood, health physical report
六 2008/8/12 course: qualtiy and patient safty management
objecitve: to know the papers presented in ISQUA
Excise organize those papers to be a briefing for 2nd sharing meeting
七 2008/819 Geriatric Medicine & community health
objecitve: to know the development of our government and the CHI-MEI views of points
Excise home care and community service rendered by CHI-MEI
八 2008/8/26 course: health mental report for questionnaire
objective:to know the statistics appied to indication management(grafical reporting and monitoring system)
Excise indicator management, ISQUA papers, community service possiblly rendered in Nnicaragua, health mental report
九 2008/9/2 course: total qualtity management and information HIS system in CHI-MEI
objective: TQC activities and intranet information system blue print in CHI-MEI
Excise What should be adopted in Nnicaragua in future
十 2008/9/9 course:patient satisfatory survey and analysis
objective: to know how to use the SPSS on data analysis
Excise Chi-square, regression, ANOVA and survival analysis
十一 2008/9/16 course: visualized graphic reports in management
objective: Loren's curve and gini coefficient, system dynamics
Excise practice those graphically visualized reports
十二 2008/9/23 course: cofference in Chi-Mei
objective: education, research and servece in Chi-Mei
Excise say good-bye to each chief of department in Chi-Mei
十三 2008/9/30 course: arrange the reports of trekking Chi-Mei hospital and say good-bye tour around Chi-Mei hospital
Excise blog, statistics and information application, clussions and suggestions to Chi-Mei
十四 2008/10/7 say good-bye and taking a city tour
Move to Taipei